return of parakeet
JoinedTopics Started by return of parakeet
Atheism IS a religion! My profound apologies to Xians.
by return of parakeet inin the course of my continuing research on why believers insist that atheists are religious, i stumbled upon a website (link below) that proves beyond any doubt that atheism is a religion.
you can imagine my chagrin upon discovering that i, as an atheist, belong to a religion after all.
i'm not exactly a member in good standing yet, but i'll work on it as hard as i can.
Mouthy Grace is not well. Please send love.
by return of parakeet inin another thread, mouthy said she was "not well" and mentioned "kicking the bucket.
i believe she needs some encouragement and well wishes.. mouthy, you don't need to respond to this thread if you don't feel up to it.
just consider it an exceptionally long get-well card..
Feeling low and maudlin today
by return of parakeet ini'm remembering all the vibrant and articulate posters who are no longer here, and i'm sad.. lady lee, who has moved on to help others in need of her wisdom.. poor oompa and dansk, two of the gentlest souls in this world.
little toe, who's gone on to bigger and better things, but i still miss him.
gumby, who had to give us up.
WTS Suggestion Box (to give back for all the things the WT has done for us)
by return of parakeet insometimes i think we're too hard on the wts and the dubs.
a dub's life, after all, is not an easy one: minimal formal education, low-paying jobs, incessant demands on their time for meetings, field service, shunning, regular beatings for their children, etc.. even the wts itself is not immune.
think of all the hard work the gb must do to keep their "new light" up-to-date without making the old light look like a pack of lies.
"The Brooklyn Blues"
by return of parakeet inonce more ... with feeling!.
"the brooklyn blues" (sung to melody of "those were the days").
once upon a time there was a towerwhere we used to drink from eight to two.remember how we slaved away the hours,and dreamed of all the great things god would do.. then the crushing years went crawling by us,we kept our screwy doctrines on the way.. if by chance i'd see you in the tower,.
The problems with fighting the WTS
by return of parakeet inover the years, many well-intentioned posters have been frustrated when they ask fellow apostates (wear the name proudly!
) to band together to let the world know how corrupt and destructive the wt cult is.
i think there are some hard facts about this particular cult that make combatting it so frustrating:.
Living Forever on a Paradise Earth?
by return of parakeet inthink about the dub concept of living as a human being forever on this earth.
it sounds inviting at first blush, but if you think about eternity, what would you do to fill the endless time?.
eventually, you would learn everything, experience everything, understand everything, grow tired of everything.
Warm Bodies
by return of parakeet ini can't help comparing the movie "warm bodies" with the current influx of newbies.
one by one the braindead zombies are waking up and reclaiming their humanity.. not trying to insult you, newbies.
but you, like most of us, know how it feels to go from blind unthinking obedience to honest questions and real thinking.
An experiment: Open House for Demons
by return of parakeet ini feel cheated that never, not once, as a dub or as a ex-dub, did i experience the presence, manifestation, or just-things-flying-around, of demons.
not so much as a teacup levitating from its saucer.
no inexplicable cold spots.